1940-1941 Yearbook

FOREWORD Now standing an the threshold of life, the class of 1941 faces the challenge of a shifting world, a world for different from the one we leave. In portraying life at Harding we have attempted to capture a bit of that intangible and indefinable spirit that hovers about the place even as the ivy climbing Its walls has became a part of Godden Hall If memOries of happy hours and friendships may be recalled, If the spirit of Harding may live In our hearts, If the ideals of Harding may be seen In our lives, If the Petit Jean is a reminder of ordinary days- ·of passing from chapel to classes, the smiling friendliness when we met, the outings when the woods were red with fall or green with spring, our sitting by the fishpond beneath the flowering peach, and of the loyalty that surged in our hearts as we sang "Alma Mater"-then our purpose IS fulfilled