1939-1940 Yearbook

:sa scenps tho: requi red only a few mi nu les ,0 complete ore the consumotion o f yea rs of dreams, hopes and E"Hor l The large audience was tense w i th e xcitement as Dr. Benson rose in the Homocoming chapel to report the oule-ome of the three year's fina ncial dri ve. A doo fening burst o f applause show ed the oppreciu 'ion 01 tho audienC'~ as Dr . Benson handed the cnncelled mal tg:Jge to Dr. A rmstrong, who was overcome with -,lr(Jtitude dnd thanksgiving to God, It r l in'Ki---but that neither dampened the ardour of the crowd nor the eagerness of the flames as Ihey moun:ed. envE"lof'inq the blue paper . maki ng it ') port 94 of the ash henp. Sircins of the Alma Mater sto rted o. to die out. The song was sung joyOUsly those who stood unheedingly Imd un d rizzli ng ra in The Alumni AssocioHon completed the as r.dwin Hugh~s, president of the a 00 $5,000 in insuranr'e r )!iclea as the liu on endowment. I t was o n epoch in the h istory of Hard that Thanksgiving Day, 1939, It u lde H for the first lime dabt fr~ and paved tu re qrowth.