1939-1940 Yearbook

51. THE PET T JEAn 9 40 ------~~~~~~--~----------------- ESTHER MAPLE, TIley are never %ue that oro o("componj(~d with noble thoughts' MIL ED LEA3URE, 'r;,,; not Inr nothinQ thaI WP :)IIrsuE' life" ELMER L'Roy, "Lile is not liIe nl oil w Ibo~1 delIght RuBY HIL , 'Purify of heart is the noblest whenlonce' HOUSTON HOPPER, " A life of ease is a difficult p.l(suil LEI: lAMBERT, 'Virtue alone is thE: n 01 a noble soul"; EDITH HULETT, . No life ,;S so /,urd /1,01 you can', make Jt easier by the way you toke II" MAURICE HINDS. Who! is 1 stronger brees/clute than a heart untomted" JOHN MASON , 'A laugh IS worth a l:ulldred groans ill any market"; VIRCINIA McDAN!EL, 10 /lvala kmdness IS a vallJQble DOr! of the busmess of life": 1. C. t..!cCALEB. "His mind his kJ/ :Jdom , and his will his power"; LOUDINE GUTIlIUE:, 'Be nol careless in deeds, nor confused m 3 or rombling in thoughf BII L LANORUM, 'Only octions give to life its slrenqth, os only mO'ieralion gives it ils ml' BoNNIE LEE HARRIS. '1 have a heart J~ whose strength i can trust HE:RBERT LASHLEE:, ., • have music dying. and! seek tlO more deNg/ll"; HO"fER HOWK, "Virlue is like a rich n. -best piom sel" . 49