~ THE PETIT JEAn 1940 ~ ~----~~--~~~~~~~--~~~----- V ALDA M ONTGOMERY Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: History Pine Bluff Adelphian '37. '38; Secretory of Adelphlan '37; Pep Squad '38, '39; Girls' Glee Club '39.- GATA '39, '40; Secretary GATA '40; President GATA '4iJ; Arkansas Club '37. '38, '39, '40; Press Club '40; O. K. C. Club '40; Secretary O. K. C. '40. "Pin thy fai th to no man's sleeve: host thou nol two qocxJ eyes of thine own? " MARJOR IE LYNCH Candidate for B. A. Degree Maior: Business Administration Kansas City, Missouri May Queen '40; "M" Club '39, '40; A Cappella Choir '38; Girls' Glee Club '40; W. H. C. '39, '40; President W. H. C. '40; Reporter W. H. C. '39; George Pepperdine College '38. "The heart will commonly govern the hean." RUTH LANGFORD Candidate for B. A. Degree Maior: English M ount Enterprise, Texas Iu Go Iu '37. '38; Texas Club '37, '38, '39, ' 40; Art Editor of Petil Jean '38, '40; Secretary· 'i,&osurer Art Club '40; GATA '39, '40; Vice·Presldent GATA '40; Press Club '39, '40. " You hove no! fuWl/ad every duty unless you have fulfilled thot of being clJeerful cnd pleasant. 37