1939-1940 Yearbook

5~~EN1Ql¥~ :£LA$S . ._.;.;t,. ~~ ~, ';'~ -.~ 'i;:>.."""- -," ~~ .... ~ Leaving the cam<p;s th\;~i'in~ are 'sd~~'b'Fihe most ci~ti"ve students, some of the most efficient leaders. This graduating class has assisted in improvements in many fields, They have seen the burden of debt lifted and the path ahead made smooth for progress-{l progress in which they still desire to have a part. Few of them will forget the lessons they gleaned from the lives of the men who taught them. Bright spots in the lives of all will be the days they spent at Harding. The class of '40 will be remembered long and the record they leave will be a manu· ment to their name. The class had as their sponsor throughout the year Professor John Lee Dykes, LAMAR BAKER President EMERSON FLANNERY Secretary· Treasurer JACK WOOD SEARS 28