1939-1940 Yearbook

______ ~T_H~E~~P~E~T ~I~T __ ~J ~E~R~n __ ~1 ~9~4~O _______ ~ IF IIIR ~'11 IFCD IlJ NIDA lr IICD N A Sound Weekly Gospel Paper * * * ,\ Consen'ali\'e, Loyal Exponenl or the Doell ' ine or Christ, Opposed to 1\11 J)cpariurcs From :'\e\\' Testament Chris ti anil~' * * * * Publishcrs of Quartcrlies, Hihle Schoo l Literalure , Ii .vmn /looks, I ~ooks or Sermons, ChulT h Ili s to!'\' and ~'I an\' . . Pamphlets, Tral'is, l.earIets, Ete. * * * * Write For General Catalog FIRM FOUNDATION PUBLISHING HOUSE 104-108 East Ninth Street AUSTIN, TEXAS 178