1939-1940 Yearbook

The ole pigskin is snapped back 10 Harris, who heaves a long pass to Ganus-thai is a typical description of play in the lauch football league. Get a gander at Tack Bell's form on the Une AU·stars vs. second all-slars provided the highlight of the basketball season_ The first stringers won with ease but not without Bob Yingling, of the second stringers, running wild ;n The cream of the football lacgue condensed into eight huskies A typical scene ot the boxing matches ond did they love it when glove met jaw with some force .Just one of the all-around athletes that roomed here this year. Besides climbing Ihe pole to get over the bar, Hugh also vaulted into one of the highest spols for intramural awards Stokes is jusl one of the many that spend spare moments on the tennis court swinging at, and sometimes hitting, that sohere called a tennis boll. Study :arefully the technique of tha t s troke for it has no duplicate The way that Watson boy handles those horseshoes one would think he'd worked in a blacksmith shop. He's a dead ringer for a ringer at every pitch And here we behold the mighty Razorbacks, pride of the touch football league. Just five of the hogs were placed on the all·star team ond the rest of them modo the second learn . "And now we will take up artificial respira1ion. Cron10, con you tell me why a guy goes :lawn three limes and comes up twice?" says Instructor Stokes to his life-saving closs chests Bewore of men with mighty "Slaphappy" Walton ond "Slugger" Defee in cdon with Berryhill os ref Ex Berryhill gives us what's on today's card And we have in Ihis corner, weighing 1771/4, none other thon Toor Pryor gelling raady for a bout kickoff!! And there's the 125