1939-1940 Yearbook

Wi1h mor@ voices, greater tolent ond good group work::, the two glee clubs this year have delight l audiences . Mary Agnes Evans and Maxine Paxson have served as accompanists. Director of the Girls' Glee Club is Mrs. Florence Tewell, voice instructor. President of the group is U!lion Socretary-Treasurer, Frances Williamson. One of the great events of the year for the Men's Glee Club, and a trip that they will remember long, concert tour of Tennessee and Arkansas in April. A nev,r organiznlion on the campus is the Academy G lee Club of girls, directed by Fletcher Floyd. sJrprised the student body in an excellent chapel program and later, in concert. Calls for progrcrms come from mony places to the mole quar tet. A jou r of and programs have been given in ncur-by places throughout the school year.