1938-1939 Yearbook

The work of taking the Gospel to the people of the Philippine Islands was begun by George S. Benson in 1928. He found the people very receptive and his efforts there were effective. After opening up the field so that others could take over the work, Brother Benson returned to China where he had labored previollsly to his trip to the Islands. H. G. Cassell and his famil y went to Manila and worked among the people of that city unt il they were joined by O. T . Rodman in 1933. Anumbet of churches were establ ished and several of the natives were developed into efficient leaders and teachers. Miss VerliCi Garrison went to the Orient in 1934 and married Brother Rodman . This· couple then moved to Misamis, another sec tion of the Islands, where they labored for a time . Th is new sec tion proved very responsive, and in four years' time, Brother Rodman was able to report. uWe left four places with· regular communion services, and double that number where we sometimes had se rvices. Besides these, there ate sca ttered members and others interested in the Gospel, at various places. UThe present need of the Gospel in this field is naturally great . H ere, one might begin work immediatel y upon arrival , since the language is rapidly becoming English. Any Christian worker would find an open door for the W ord of God among a very f riendl y and apprec iative people . ItWhere sin ha s gone, must go his grace. The Gospel is for all." - LOWELL B. DAVIS. Two workers wer e influenced at Harding to enter this field. To them ACTIVITIES is dedicated.