1938-1939 Yearbook

CHARLl NE BERGNER " H er eyes art' homes 0/ nil'JII prayers BILL STOKES CORT EZ EH L Fayette, Alabama " H OlI't'er /I be, It seems to me. ',is ollly ,wblt! to be good." H ELEN H UGHES Pille lJIuff "A quiet Ian. thar tITt: but lew, ~Vho krlOw the treamrf! hid jll )'0/1," VALDA MONTGOMERY Piue Blllff " H er wit waf more ,hdll mall. her illllOCCIICf' a child." JOE SPAULDING Searcy "A good mir,d possefSCS a kir,gdom." GRANV ILLE WESTBROOK Truscot/, Tads "A xDod hClITt is better thall all the he"ds i" the world." WANDA HALL Tuckermal' Sl'dTC'Y "A chury smile. d plt'dsallt way. IVe'd like to meet her eyery Jay," " A mbition is tht:' growth of e"ery clulle." MURREY W ILSON LcnisbllTg. Tc rIl1CHt't "Yolmg ill limbs. III /lIdgmwt old." MRS. TILLl E H UDDLESTON .. A malna is a moth", st ill. The holiest Ihillg alive." CLYDE WATIS 8~)ar 'Whoso lindeth d wife ill/deth a good Inlll}!,," ROY ROE V iota " H t of to I has a st riOIlS thoI4S/,·" JEWEL BLACKBURN "Tht mirror of a!{ collr/o'1'" ~IARGARET ALICE REDUS "Bt mnry if yOIl aft WIJt. ALICE JO BRYANT BtarJtll The fair. tht (ha1tt. tht IIl1tXprtSS;vt sht." [I·AH BARR Pittsburgh. Ptllluy{vallld ,. A SOIl[ as whitt as hcavc,I."