1938-1939 Yearbook

INEZ DAVIS Starcy "Lift.' What drt thou, withol4t /01'1'." L. D. FRASHIER "Know/eagt if POWtT," WILLIAM SANDERS ComerH,illt. TerllltlJU "A ttnder hedri; a will illflexiblt." EVA THOMPSON Searcy .. A merry heart maktth a chttrful COIII/ltl/dl/U." MARY AGNES EVANS Little Rock "At/Hie, the greatest good that mortals k'IOlV, A I,d all of hl'dVt'II we have below," DOUGLAS HARRIS Holt/alld. TtmitUU ,- ~Vo,th. (011 rage . hOllor, theu ;"dctd Your JUsUllance and birthright art," ELLEN SPEARS Glliorl 'Th(' truth of truths is 10'l'e." HOMER HOWK Searcy "Di'l'ene me" have di'l'tr,£ Ttertatiolls." j. P. THORNTON, Jc. Bltfckwdla. M iHo:ai "If we coliid do good n't' tllIlSt bt good." MARTHA WILLIAMS Groyt, Oklahoma "TiJ good to be mtTry alld wiu." CORINNE BELL RilOlI "She walks ill beauty," JAMES ADAMS Col/(j{t Grow!, T~'meH(( "Happy am I; from cart' I'm fru Why art,,'t they all collltllud likt' me?" LAMAR BAKER Chaflallooga, T e'm~ssee "Ali mankind loyn a lowr," LUNfCE MAPLE C[t'yt'fand, Kallsal fht ha,ld that hath maie ),011 fair halh mad~ ),011 good." MARIE BRANNEN jaeksorlyifle, Florida "Let the world slide; let the world go; A Jig lor (are, and a fig lOT woe," HOUSTIN JTIN Nashyille, Temul!u "NOlie hilt himulf (an be his paral/eI."