1938-1939 Yearbook

J ESS LYNN RHODES Frederick, Oklahoma Candid ate for B. A, Degree Major: Busi'less Administration Sub.T 16 '35, '37, '38, '39; Skipp -r Sub-T 16 '39; Glee Club '39; Mixed Chorus '35; Quartette '38. "[ saw and loyed." LOIS EVELYN MAPLE Cleveland, Kansas Ca ndidate for B. A. Degree Major : Busi'less Administratiot! L. C. '36, '37, '38; Presidwt L. C. '37, '38; Secretary '37; Vice- President '36; GATA '39; President GAT A ·39. '-A beautiful face is a sile'lt commendation." JOE L. RECTOR Sear.: Cand id a te for B. S_ Degree Major: Chemistry Calliopean '~6; Vi -.:e-President Calliopean '36; Ca... · alier '37, '38, '39; Presiden t Cava lier '39; " H " ebb '37; Arkansas Clu~ '37, '38, '39; Track '36, '37. "The ma71 that loves and laughs must sur( do u!eIl."