1938-1939 Yearbook

COMPLIMENTS OF SELIG COMPANY Atlanta, Georgia "COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND" MAY CALENDAR I. Sapphonians go to Petit J ean. 2. Gl ee Club trip to North Lill rc Rock. 7. National Music Week begins. 8. Mu Etta Adelphians to T he Old Mill; TNT'S to Cochran's Bluff; Cavaliers D Diamond Cave; Tagmas to Petit Jean. 10. May Day Fete sponso red by Jll Go Jus. 14. Ma Chandler serves Strawberry Shortcake. 15. Ju Go J u outing; Sub-Debs co Sugar Loaf; GATAS to Doniphan. 16. Glee Club Concert at Searcy H Igh School. 18. Girls' Glee Club Concert. 22. GATAS dedicate Bi,d Bath. 23. Primary program. 28. Baccalaureate address. 30ยท31. Final exams. 3 1. H omecoming; Sub-T Ice Cream supper for old members; W. H. C. Alumni luncheon, TNT party. CALUMET TEA & COFFEE COMPANY 409-11 W. Huron Street Chicago MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT ROBERTSON'S "Where Most People Trade" Van Patten Motor Co. Phone 441 Searcy, Ark. Used Car Dealers Small Store, Small Expense, Small Profit ROBBINS-SANFORD MERCANTILE CO. WHITE COUNTY'S LARGEST STORE We Carry Everything