Dr. M. M. Garrison OPTOMETRIST FOR SERVICE Washing Gasoline Lubrication Motor Oils Tire Repairing Accessories Battery Rechange Tires COX SERVICE STATION Sinclair Products Phone 322 Searcy, Ark. APR IL CALENDAR I. H Oll se of David plays the Herd. 2. Pope and L. D. work all night on ~nnual. 3. Mule Day. 4. Sidney H ooper w:ns Snapshot Contest. 5. Fletcher Fl oyd in se nior voice recital. 6. Kahn, Medearis, Watts, and Tabor discuss current issue of "Bible Banner." 7. Girls have haunted looks ove r dates they do not have for Junior-Senior banquet. 8. McDaniel and Wheeler wi n U nion U. Deba te Tourney; HLcr Us Kill the Rooster," French play. 9. Everybody goes home with everybody else for Easter. 11. Discipline Committee has a recess. 14. James A. Harding Day; Bisons win Track Meet at Ouachita. 15 . Annual baseball game with D. L. C. and Reception; H arding host to Arkansas H igh School Sen iors. 17. L. C.'s go to Petit Jean; Ko) o Ka is to Red Bluff. 18. Freshman edition of The Bisotl on g:ecn paper; Sam Peebles and Zelma Bell visit. 24. Sub·T's to D'ipping Skille,; Lambda Sigmas to Lonesome Valley . 27. ) unior-Senior banquet. 26-29. Stat e Press Meet at Magnolia. TWO GOOD PAIR That Good Gulf Gasoline Gulf Pride Oil O. R. HARWOOD Di stributor Searcy, Arkansas WOOD-FREEMAN LUMBER COMPANY Phone 446 "The Good Lumber Number" Searcy Arkansas COMPLIMENTS OF THE ELLIOTT PAINT & VARNISH COMPANY Man u f actu rers CHICAGO, ILLINOIS