1938-1939 Yearbook

KROH'S Ladies' Apparel \\' l' II a ye Servcd in 1he Pasl and Welcome Ih e (haner 10 Sen ·e in Ihe Fulurc KROGER GROCERY Fancy Groceries and Meats FEBRUARY CALENDAR 1. Glee Cl ub receives 30 tuxedos. 3. "No Father to Guide Them." 7. H a rdi ng Lircra :'Y Society organ ized. 10. Ju Go Ju banquet . 12. Campa ign banquet. 13. H arding defeats H endr:x, 6-55; open hOllse! 14. Cori nn e Bell elected May Queen; L.. C. banqucr and theatre party; GATA banquet. 16. Kiwanis Club hc:trs Men's Glee Club and Gi rl s· Tri o. 17. McDaniel and MeDonial win oratory medals. 18. Chapel p rogram by H ome Be. Departmcn!. 23. Fbnnery elected 4-H Club head ; W. H . C. count ry supper; Cavalier parry. 24. Sen ior reception by H ome Ee. class; Lips. comb reception at the Armstrong H ::mse . 25. !!The Fatal Quest" enter the handsome duke; Koinonia banquet at H otel Marion. 28. " Tige" Carroll selected on AII·State Five . C. D. KENNY COMPANY ORRIS FLOUR Little Rock Arkansas J. T. LLOYD COMPANY Little Rock, Arkansas * * HELLO, HARDING! * * "Sporting Goods for Good Sports" MILBURN-JOHNSTON GROCERY COMPANY Friends to Harding College * * Distributors of Gold Bond and Silver Bond Products Searcy Arkansas