1937-1938 Yearbook

CEDAR FALLS-PETIT JEAN Legend of Petit Jean One o f the legends about Petit J ean Mountoin is to the effect thot the valiont French explorer Cheves was lured by s tones 10 the unexplored country of Americo . Though deeply in love with his fiancee, Adrienne, wavering ' twixt love and desire fOr adventure, he de termined at lost to soil to the distant lond. When Adrienne heard of hi s decision. she made up her mind, unknown to her lover, thot she would also go to the new land. Disgui sed as a cobin boy, she secured passage under the name of Jean on the some ship on which Cheves soiled. Because of her small stature, the sailors called her " Petit Jean ," Reaching the mouth of the MississiPPI, they soiled up that rrver to the Arkansas, and landed at the foot of a mountain, whe re they found the Indians friendly , the country beautiful, and the climate delightful. It was so much like fairyland that Cheves ordered hi s crew to go no farther, and a se ttl ement was thu s made in what is naw Arkansas. The Indians adored Pet.t Jean, and regarded her as a being fr om another wo rld . They brought her offerings of frUit s and fl owers, and strove in every way to express their love. Stdl igno rant of her ident.ty, Cheves announced ane day that he proposed to return to France , to bring his f.ancee to the new land Petit Jean fell seriously ill, and the news of h.s departure mode her worse. Fearing that she would not recover, she called Cheves to her side and disclosed her ident.ty. His gr,ef and woe were indescribable. Broken-hearted, he nursed her, but she expired in hIS arms, and, In accordance with his request, was bUlled in a beautiful spot on top of the mountain which was given her nome . The Indians used to soy that her spirit guarded the grove. They sow her among the tree tops swaying In the breeze; they saw her rowing on the river in her canoe; they sow her wondering gaily In the fores t , and ever sheddi ng a blessi ng ove r the mountain called Petit Jean .