1937-1938 Yearbook

Go SWlmmin' that way? Don't fall off . Wilbur ... Pull 'em down, Bonnie Beth . Old faithfuls ... Higher, That Clark Goble of Harding What have you there, Hermon? Hit 'im, Clyde Ano th er grad finishing hi s campusology Ball-hawk Burke A couple Lambdas. Don't let him fallon you girls. . Want to trod~ uniforms, Christine? Mickey and Ruthel In a QUie t moment Wonder where Beotnce is? So long, lipscomb Nope, they're still here Where did you come In, Roge rs? Darwin was right Give him a hand, he's cealed off by now Hugh, we hod no idea It was this way Don't le t him throw you, Roy Maurtne and Mary Nell .. Come on out, R. T., we see you = ================================================================~