1937-1938 Yearbook

Colonel Seors ond hi s monocle Inspechng the new bus. Tying opples on a lilac tree . _ Harding 's second bus Careful , J . P.. Benson, the younger, plans something By the o ld mill s tream . Going to KLRA on Sundoy ChaSi n ' around the st ump . Hit me, you big bully Kitchen force o t eose Caref ul , Preacher, look what 's behind you . Covaliers flnolly find a horse . Former Smith and hi s sun bonne t Oh , Fronk , what will the other eight g irl s think? . 'T IS love In bloom Reeso showing off his sweater to hi s li ttle friends.. I'se regu sted . Now we next take cotton lintels . .. I lus t kept right on chawin' ... What would Mi ss Pos t say?