1937-1938 Yearbook

WALTER MOORE Newark "True worth ;5 In being, not seeming." MILDRED CAGLE Pikeville, Tennessee "Nol in rewo rds, but in s trength to s tri ve, The blessing li es," LOIS MAPLE Basil, Kansos "Toil IS the sire of fome." MERCEDES VICK Nashvill e, Tennessee "I will si t down now, but the time will come When you will hear me," GLENN TRENT Hammon, Oklahoma "A man is man and moster of his fote." VIRGINIA O'NEAL Hugo, Oklahoma "Tho on pleasure she was bent She hod a frugal mind." THEDA PINKSTON Alamo, Tennessee "I have weathered the s torm I have beaten out my exile," GEORGE GURGANUS Chicago, Illinois "An honest man close buttoned to the chin , Broadcloth without, a nd a warm heart within ," T. H. SHERRILL Searcy "Alas for the ra rity of Christian cha rity, Under the sun," THOMAS WHITFIELD Steele, Missou ri "Is life worth living? Yes, so long As there is wrong to right ," JOHN YINGLING Searcy "And when, at lost, the fjght IS won, God keep me still unsatisfied," JAMES WARREN Paducah, Kentucky "Charm us, orato r, till the li on Look no larger than the cot." EUNICE TURNER Strawberry "A good hea rt is better than All the heads in the world." GUY THOMPSON Searcy "Though he waS rough, he wos kindly," GLADYS REESE Smlthville,Oklohoma "Woman is woman's natural oi ly." NORMAN SMITH Reyno " The mon tha t blushes is not quite a brute," '39