1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN NINETEEN THIRTY- EIGHT ROBERT VANN Winfield, Alabama Candidate for B. A. Degree Maj ors: English and History David lipscomb College '35, '36. Sub T -16 Club '37, '38. Fragalo Club '37, '38. Basketball '37, '38. Baseball '37, '38. Trock '37, '38. " I count life just the stuff To try the soul 's strength on ." LEOLA MOCK Maynard Candidate for B. A. Degree Maj or : Engli sh Freed-Hardeman College '32. Arkansas Stote College '33. Adelphl an '3 7 , '38. Arkansas Club '37, '38. Pep Squad' 38. " To live in hea rt we leove beh ind, Is no t to die ." BERNELLE ANDERSON Elm Spr ings Candidate for B. A. Degree Maj or : Business Administrati on W. H. C. '35, '36, '37, '38; Secre tary-treasurer '35. Dramatic Club '35, '36, '37; Treasure r '37, Arkansas Club '36, '37, '38. Who's Who '38. Alpha Honor Soc ie ty '38. "1 have lived and loved."