1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN NINETEEN THIRTY- EIGHT DOR IS RUBY Co ldwa t e r, M ississippi Ca ndi da t e f or B. A. Deg ree M a jo r: H ist o r y No rthwes t Mi ssissi ppi Ju nior College '35, '36. Ju Go Ju Clu b '37, '38; Sec re to ry- treasu re r '37. President '38. Pep Squad '37, '38; Secre tary- treasure r '38. M Cl ub '37, '38; Secre ta ry- treasure r '38. Closs Edi tor of Pe tit Jean '38. Deba ti ng '37, '38. "She is f riend ly a nd s incereCould yOu ask for more ?" MARY CROCKETT T yro, M ississippi Candida t e f or B. A . Deg ree Ma jor : English Northwest Miss iss ippi Jun ior College '35, '36. M Club '37, '38. J u Go Ju '37, '38; Sec re ta ry- treasu re r '38 . Press Cl ub '37. Drama t ic Cl ub '38. " Life is not so short but tha t the re is always t ime enough for cou rtesy." EMMETT DARWIN Hope Cand idate f or B. A. Deg ree Major : Busi ness Admi n is tra t ion Stu den t Preache r '34, '35, '36, '37. Drama t ic Cl ub '36, '37, '38; Vice- President '38 . Day Studen ts' Cl ub '35. Arka nsas Cl ub '36, '37. " Eve rything comes if a man wi ll on ly wa it. "