1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN SCENE FROM "SEVENTEEN" OFFICERS OF THE CAMPUS PLAYERS Jock Wood Scars Emmett Darwin Frances Stroud Helen Hughes Alice Bryont William Stokes Orville Coleman Ellis Copher PreSident Vice-President Secretory Treasurer Wordro~e Stage Manager Light Monogzr light Manager Wcodson Harding Armstrong Ermme H. Coleman Director Assistant Director and Make-Up As a new fcolure of this year's dramatic work, a system of double-casting for ploys was mtroduced In an effort to give more members experience. Some trouping was done also in a move to troin players cnd at the same time advertise the college and the Dramatic Club over the State. The aile-oct ploy, "Cabbages," with which the Compus Ployers won ~he State tournament Bluff before audiences totaling 3,500. lost year, was presented twice in Pine LYCEUM NUMBERS Seventeen Big Hearted Herbert White Collars I 9 3 WORKSHOP PLAYS Moonshine and Honeysuckle Here Comes Three Knights The Ryerson Mystery This Genius Business Debt Tokes a Holiday The Wedding Present