1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN J 1m McDaniel Sue McHam James Warren Dean Choate Leasure Zelma Bell William Medearis Billy Yount Jack Wood Seors FORENSIC LEAGUE S. F. Tlmmerr.1Qn Orville Srifterl Doris Ruby Roy Salners In the annual Arkansos Stote Tournament held at Arkansas College In Batesville, De::ember 17- 18, Harding entered five teams. James McDaniel and James Warren won first place, this being the second yeor thot McDaniel has been a member of the Stote Championship team . Ray Salners and Billy Yount and Dean Leasure and Sue McHam won through the prehmlnaries and were defeated in the Quorter finals. Miss McHam tied with a debate r from Ouachita for the honor of best woman speaker 01 the tournament. James McDaniel won first place 10 men's extempore speaking at the Arkansas College meet and Sidney Hooper placed second In the oratorical contest. At the Mid·Sauth Debate Tournament held 01 Arkadelphia, February 18· 19, three Harding teams were entered. All odvanced through the preliminaries and the first round of eliminations, but were defeated 10 the quarter fmols. Dean Sears was elected president of the Arkansas Forensic League. ARKANSAS INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATE TOURNAMENT McDaniel and Warren Won 6, Lost 2 McHam and Leasure Won 4, Lost 2 Salners and Yount Won 3, Lost 3 Sears and Brittell Won 0, Lost 5 Bell and Ruby Won 0, Lost 5 MID-SOUTH DEBATE TOURNAMENT McDaniel and Warren Won 4, Lost 2 Medearis and Yount Won 4, Lost 2 Brittell and Timmerman Won 3, Lost 3 OFF ICERS OF FORENSIC LEAGUE James McDaniel President L. C. SEARS James Warren Coach Sue McHam 193 Vice-President Secretory-Treasurer