1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN BACK ROW~ Mason, Spencer, Lauterbach. MIDDLE ROW~ Chaffin, Bartley, Earwood. FRONT ROW~ Dykes, Whitson, Wolton. Herman West, Coach, kneeling. WRESTLING Herman West, Sophomore, served as a wrestling instructor for the fifteen men who reported at the beginning of the second term for this spor t . He entered Harding in the fall of '36 and received his training under J. D. Boles. In the State A. A. U. meet which wos held In little Rock, he was champion of the light heavyweight division. This year, West, who was th e only letter man in this sport to return, mode a rrangemen ts for en trance in two wrestling meets. However, because of a change made in the date for the State A. A. U. meet he was forced to :::oncel both of these and concentrate on prepanng for the State meet. West proved to be a good cooch and under his direction, Harding entered six divisions of the annual State A. A. U. tournament. I 9 3