1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN BACK ROWPryor, Hinds, Copeland, House. MIDDLE ROWThornton, Rhodes, Connon, Johnson, Boyd. FRONT ROWClark, Adoms, Greenway, Hogan, Harris, Brown. TRACK Entering Harding's athle ti c program only three years ogo, track has probably mode greater s tri des thon any othe r SpOI t at Harding. Under the direc t ion of Coach Berryhill, who was assisted by R. T. Clark, a junior, three mee ts were scheduled for the thin clods. Two of these we re duol meets and Harding was the host on the new trock buil t this spr ing. The fi rs t meet was with Arkansas Tech and the second was with Arkansas College. The last meet of the season was the onnuol State Track Meet which was held at Arkansas Tech. Five le tter men, Clark, Greenway, Hogan, H. Rhodes, and Thornton returned this year and n ine new men reported. Clark, Hogan, and Adams praved to be autstand ing far the season. Although exceptionally s trong in seve ra l divisions a nd taking more fir sts than eve r before, weakness in the field events prevented the team from being a well rounded one, capable of winning meets. I 9 3