1936-1937 Yearbook

CLYDE WATTS Forward PE-TIT JEAN HAROLD KIEFFER Forward HARDING, 44; STAFF 0' LIFE, 34 ELWIN ROE Guard In thei r second vic tory of the week, the Bisons showed superior streng t h throughou t to ceo! the h igh ly-touted Stoff 0' Life team of little Rock 44 to 34. The visi tors fel l before a smoo t h working Bison offense and were behind 21 t o 16 a t the half. Coptoin Vaughn wos agai n t he stcr of t he contest, chalking up 20 m arkers and playi ng a n:ce floor game. Leslie showed up well for the Herd with 12 pOin t s. HAROING, 57; LITTLE ROCK JUN IOR COLLEGE, 21 Wi th Capt ain Vaughn leoding the woy with 22 points the He rd annexed its third st raight win by swamping t he Li tt le Rock Junior College Trojans 57 to 21 at Little Rock on January 26. The Herd jumped to an early lead and were never threatened by the Inexperienced TrOJans. Wa tts a nd Pryor scored 12 points each to place second to Vaughn in individual performances. HARDING, 39; HENDR IX, 42 Wi th their traditional Jinx working at full speed, the He:1drix College Warriors took a bitterly contested game from the Bisons 42 to 39 a t Conway, February 10. The score was tied 38-38 a few minutes before the game ended. The Herd was ahead 24-25 at the half. Vaughn led the Harding five with 12 tallies although Wilkes, Hendrix forward, was high score r with 20 markers. HARDING, 48; LITTLE ROCK JUNIOR COLLEGE, 21 Jumpi ng in to a lapoint lead soon after the game s tarted and neve r relinquishing thei r steady scor ing, the Bisons trompled the Li tt le Rock J unior Co llegians for the second time in the season, taking 0 48 to 21 tussel. Paced by Joe Lewis Leslie, who coun ted for 19 tollies, th e Herd had the si tuation well in hand all of the t ime. The sco re at the half stood at 31-11 in favor o f t he Herd. HARDING, 46; ARKANSAS COLLEGE, 50 Arka nsas College gave the Bisons ano the r se t -bock in their second meeting, handing them a 50 to 46 defeot on the local cou rt . Al though t he lead changed continually, the Herd held a 22 to 20 odvon tage a t the half-way mark. The Panthers ran up a la-poin t lead in the last four minu tes of play and a Bison rally fell short of its gaol. Taylor was again the big Qun In the visitors attack, counllng for 18 tallies. Elwin Roe was high for the Herd With 12 points. I Q 7