1936-1937 Yearbook

Under MIss Lois Albright's direction a junior orchestra was organized to teach the students of the training school how to ploy the vorious musical instruments The reading room of the library showing Miss Score at work on her files and a part of the large stack room In the background The beautiful dining hall during meal time Mary Neal gives dictation to the shorthand closs The spacious reception room In the boys' dormitory The reception room in Pattie Cobb Hall during social hour The children in the nursery school eating their noon lunch Two of the teache rs' cottages on the campus- Rhodes' 10 the left and Bell's to the right .. The table in the home economics room se t for a luncheon Typing students taking one of their regular speed tests The bursar says thot you cannot tak.e your examination until you pay him the one cent you owe The chapel hall and auditorium during a doily exerCise