1936-1937 Yearbook

Six Ha rd ing wrestle rs ente red the State A. A. U. tourna ment thi s spring. Placi ng se:::and in the meet , they won three f irs t places and twa seconds. Th is group was co a c h e d by J . D. Bales. Re a d i n g fr om left to right a nd g ivi ng thei r weight closs and record in the tou rnament , the wrest le rs are Robe rt Anth o n y, 112, 2nd; Wi lliam Bryant, 123, 1s t ; Brawn SISCO, 145, 1s t ; J . D. Boles, 158, 2nd; Ollie B. Qu ick, 158, a nd He r - man West , 174, 1s t . J us t a group pi cture of the burpe rs . Why the impa t ient look, Ma ry ? Two college g ir ls in th e making . . J . D. seems to have token sole possess ion of the twins Wouldn' t they have made good co lonia l house keep - ers? Ka thleen is sp read ing sunshine with he r smile Dr . Summitt exp o und s on sa me new-fangled theory ... A po rch on the girls' home Four Lambda Sigma s but six "ettes" MI ss McClure a dvise s her younger brother Somebody give Ra ymond some ca ff ee Just before le a vi n g fo r Pine Bluff The pos tma n hasn' t picked up these packa ges Mock you ca n ' t hide fr om Jess ond T. Rose bo th . W. H. C. pledges on parade. Fou r faces in the rogue's galle ry Ed ltol Pryor in deep medi ta tion As snow covers the campus GirlS guard the ga teway Charles and Ma ry seem ha ppy enough . Trying to foo l the professors, eh? Wha t J oe Lewis found in Missouri . Pit - ner turns plowma n a nd goes an exhibition . Na t al ike, bu t very, very simila r, indeed Telling jokes oft er din ner