1936-1937 Yearbook

Editor Pryor con t inues on un t il the wee hours of the morning Why shouldn' t they be so happy ond cheerfu l By stra ining a gna t 's br is tle I th ink the Pet it Jean budget wil l balance Clifford, don't get you r sel f in tha t predicament again Practicing for grand ope ra . . She laughs every care away Litt le John and hi s Queen Caught coming from a closs. . The Pinks t on sis ters from Alamo pause a moment . . Lynd o ll does h is bit to help beautify the compus Now the Greek word "Psolo" means to pluck or twang the carpent er' s string, etc. Campus widows looking in the wate r . Owens where i s your porter? Gilliam where is t ha t bean? Boles whoops i t up. Eli zabeth, I th ink you'll live over it t hi s time What sort aT person is she? Theodore must spy Cum i Now, James, wasn't love grand? The tr io from M ine ral Springs greets you Robert Lawye r st or t s to town Just a song at tw ilight when the ligh t s a re low A tri o enjoys the snow Where a re Leala and Elizabe th R.? Learning to climb trees.