1936-1937 Yearbook

AN SENIOR MESSAGE As the time draws nearer to our graduation exercises, the more relucton~ we feel toward finishing our collegiate coreer and wolking out from under the canapy of Harding College . These years that we have spent in her atmosphere have been the most profitable of our lives. It is as though W~ were, individually, a locomotive at a fueling station filling up with an inex - haustible supply of water and fuel. It would be but a futile effort for us to try to express our sincere appre - ciation for the valuable lessons that we hove learned . But we sholl endeavor to show this in our meager manner by co-operating with the school in all its worthy efforts and by encouraging other boys and girls to enter her portals. Almost every stone will be remembered with vividness by us as a group and almost os individuals. We honor Harding for her individualism, courage, zeal, power and correctness in teaching the Bible and standing for the high - est type of character, truthfulness, honesty and usefulness. It has been through the efforts of the unselfish, sacrificing teachers that Harding College is what she is today. They are the ones who have formulated the policies of the school and given us this splendid environment in which to obtain our education. And we are doubly thankful to them. At times we have acted rashly under heat of passion but now we regret all such actions. Our hopes are that this faculty may continue to wield their in - fluence over on infinite number of other students. Our plea to the undergraduates is that they will profit by our mistakes and press on to greater things. We have tried to make a trail that they can follow but hoping that they correct our many errors. We have faith in the lower classmen and will look upon their achievements with a feeling of pride. We seniors wish that we could roll back the time and start in Hard - ing again but we have written our last chapter, sung our last song and done our lost oct. The freshmen, sophomores and juniors must and will carryon . So in conclusion we say good-bye, good luck and may God bless them. TH E SEN IOR CLASS OF 1937