PE-TIT JEAN J. N. ARMSTRONG M. A., LL . D. President - Emeritus of Harding College In an important sense you ore our children and my deep interest in you moves me to want to soy something in this annual message that will be of lasting interest and of eternal profit to you . May you, therefore, be happy and "Rejoice always." May you, "In nothing be anxious, but in everything by prayer and supplications" make known your request unto God . May "The poace of God which passeth all understanding guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus." May Jehovah be your shepherd and may you want no good thing ; may He lead you "beside still waters," and when you walk through the shadows of death, may you fear no evil because Jehovah is with you. May goodness and loving kindness follow you all the days of your life and may you "dwell in the house of Jehovah forever ," I ( J. N. ARMSTRONG , President -Emeritus of Harding College . 7