1936-1937 Yearbook

f J> E-TIT J EAN =-====;:==:-: THE IDEAL SHOP R EADY-TO-W FAR .. GIFTS GREETING CARDS • Phone 165 Mrs. Benbrook M rs. Nea l J. T. LLOYD CO. liTTLE ROCK. ARK. • "Sporting Goods for Good Sports" SILVER DINING CAR L YNDA LL GRIGGS D FLBERT (B li ck ) H ARRIS BILL STOKES R Ul'li FRENCI I WM. H . WILSON • NORTH COURT SQUARE AND P I T BARBECUE I q 1 DECEMBER CALENDAR • 2- Dr. S. H. Goble lectures on rodium. 3--McQuistion speaks to faculty on the new curriculum program in Arkansas. O. G. candy making. Adelphain theater porty . 4--W. H. C. dinner and theater party. Ko-Jo-Kai theatre party. 5- Ju-Go-Ju dinner and parly. 8- Chorus presents "Tr ial by JlKY," 9- Girls' pep squad organ ized. II - Debate teams go to Mon t icel lo. 12- Hording frash ploy lipscomb academy, Boles and McDaniel win sto te debate championship, 14- Second Iyceum- "The Birds' Chr istmas CoraL" 15-- lnt ermediote pupils in chopel program. 16- Mrs. Cathcart's students present Christmas ploy . 17- Term examinations finished and s tuden ts leave for holidays. 28--Mrs. Armstrong attends speech convention in St. Louis. 30- Lois Albri ght begins music work. We will be glad to hand le for you any business entrusted to us. • SECURITY BANK SEARCY ARI(ANSAS 7