1936-1937 Yearbook

IT JEAN THE ALPHA HONOR SOCIETY MARY NEAL FLOSSIE HARWELL COPE Joseph E. Pryo r Frances Elliott Mary Neol FRANCES ELLIOTT ELIZABETH TRAVIS JOSEPH E. PRYOR AMA LOU MURPHREE OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretory-Treasurer The Alpha Honor Socie t y waS organized in 1936 In recogniti on of high scholarship among Juniors Qnd seniors working towa rd the baccalaurea te degree Membership is limited to t en per cent of the juniors who hove a scholarship Index of 2.7 and to twelve and one -hol f pe r cen t of the seniors, inclusive of those already members, who hove a 2.5 index. Good moral charac ter is also a prerequisite. Neal, Elliott and Pryor ore chorter members o f the socie t y. Of the three members taken in thi s yea r, Travi s is a se ni o r a nd Cope and Murphree o ro Juniors. In the fall Elizabeth Travis, Mary Neal and Joseph Pryor were selec t ed along with Woodrow Whit t en ond Joe Lewi s Leslie by the faculty from the seni or class to represent Harding in Who's Who Among Studen t s in Universities and Colleges in America . I q 7