1936-1937 Yearbook

PE-TIT JEAN Standing: Mancger Boles, J. P. Thornton, Vonn, Vaughn, M. Morgan, Rec tor, Hogan, Owens. Sl ttmg: Pi tner, H . Rhodes, Gurganus, Coach Clark, Kie ffer , Frashler, W. Bryant. TRACK Coach R. T. Clark, with fift een men reporting regularly, whipped hi s track team into shope early and in their first dual meet of the season defeated the Arkansas College Panthers at Batesville 93 to 63 . Clark, who ~e r ved as assistant coach in 1936, led the team in scoring with 17 point s. He was followed by Pryor with II and Rhodes with 10. In their second meet a few days later the Bisans lost ta Arkansas Tech 's Wonderboys at Russe llville by a 103 ta 29 score. Although outclassed in the field events, the Herd showed promise in the track events. Hogan , who took first in the mile and 880-yard runs, was the feature of the day's program. He covered the mile in 4 minutes and 50 seconds and the half-mile in 2 minutes and 9 seconds . The Bison's had two other meets on their schedule besides the annual State A A U. meet when the Petit Jean went to press. They met Arkansas State Teachers and Henderson State Teachers in a triangular meet at Conwayan April 16 and Hendrix College in a dual meet at Conway on April 21 . Although handicapped by the lock of a track ta practice an, the Bisons have shown a decided improvement over 1936, their first season, and with the additian af a local track , much will be expected of them. I Q 3 7