1935-1936 Yearbook

! "S>Z0 PRYOR Center JOE PRYOR ;7'4! w ...I T'"IE I PETIT JEAN ...... " CAPTAIN G. TRENT Guard ~I ~. ~ ~. ~) JOHNSON Guord For a snappy, hard fi gh ting mon who believes in putting hi s 0" in eve ry game no one could be found superior to Joe in thi s respec t . Besides being a hard figh ter J oe has seve ral good fl oor games to his credi t . W ith the experience he gained thi s year we ore expecting him to be a much improved ployer next year as a seni o r. GLEN TRENT Captain T ren t proved himself to be an ideol leader for the orange and black quin tette. He won the respect o f the en t ire squad by h is fighting spirit and desire to win. He neve r ceased fighting un til th e lost whi stle hod bl own even though th e team was hopeless ly behind. On the defense he CQuld not be excelled. ALFRED JOHNSON Ploying hi s second yeor of collegiate bol l, "AIf" proved himself to be a very dependab le guard . He covered the fl oor wel l and was very "coolheaded" when things got in to a " t igh t ." J ohnson is only a sophomore and should make the Bisons a good man again nex t year. r