1935-1936 Yearbook

JOSEPH PRYOR Searcy "While bright-eyed Sciences watch around." MARGARET BATEY Smyrna, Tennessee "And unextinguish'd laughter shakes the skies." MAURICE HOWELL Monilia "AI all I lough, he laughs no doubt; The only difference is, I dare laugh ou t. " RALPH McCLURE Nashville "Nature was here so lavish of her s to re, Thot she bestow'd until she hod no more." AUBREY HEWEN Solgohachia "Wise to plan and patient to perform." GEORGE FORD Berkley, Michigan " 'Tis sweet to feel by what fine spun threads our affections a re drown together ." THEODORE KING Tuskahoma, Oklahoma "His silence answers 'Yes.' ' ' LOIS HICKMAN Bradford "They that govern the most make the least noise." GROVER ROSS Chickasha, Oklahoma "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." OTTICE SHARP Texarkana, Texas "Conceit may puff a mon up, but never prop him up ." ELEANOR HOLLEY Pisgah, Alabama " A blithe heart makes a blooming visage." EMMETT DARWIN Hope " I would 'twc re bed-time, Hoi, and all well , If I am trust the flattering truth of sleep ." JESS ANDERSON Blackwell, Oklahoma "The man that loves and laughs must sure do welL" DOROTHY EVANS Little Rock "I f the heart of a man is depressed with cores, The mist is dispel l'd when a woman appears." NANCY GILL Valdosta, Georgia " Petite, and as cute as petite." GLEN TRENT Hammon, Oklahoma • " Heal th is the second blessing that we mor tal s are capable of: a blessing that maney cannot buy."