1935-1936 Yearbook

ALLENE MITCHELL I tto Bene, Mississippi Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: English Bennett Junior College, Mathiston, Mississippi, '34; Harding '33, '35, '36; Glee OU') '33; Chorus '35; Press Club '33, '35; Pres;· dent Ju -Go-Ju '35; Ju -Go- Ju '33, '35, '36; Dramatic Club '35; Campus Player '36; M. Club '36; Koinonia Queen '36; Circulation Manager Petit Jean '36; Student Teache r '36; Sponsor Senior Academy Closs '36. "Nothing endures but personal qualities." DONA PURSLEY Miami, Texas Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: Business Administrati on Dramotic Club '33; Secretory Dramati c Club '34; Campus Ployer '34, '35, '36; Glee Clu::' '33; Mixed Chorus '33, '35; Secretory JuGo-Ju '33; Ju-Go-Ju '34, '35; President JuGo-Ju '36; Secretory Texas Club '35; Texo~ Club '36; Honor Student '34; Best All Round '35; Editor Petit Jean '36; Press Club '33, '34, '35; Who's Who '36. " In every deed she has a heart to re solve, c head to contrive, and a hand to execute." SAM BELL Searcy Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: Social Science and Education Cavalier '31; Glee Club '32, '33; Dramatic Club '32; Campus Player '33, '34, '35, '36; Koinonio '36 Arkansas Club '36; Basketball '32, '33, '34, '35; Boseboll '32, '33, '34, '36; H. Club '32, '33, '34, '35, '36. "Work is the greatest thing in the world,- therefore we shou ld save it fo r tomorrow."