1935-1936 Yearbook

EVELYN JONES CARPENTER Searcy Candidate for B. S. Degree Major: Biologicol Sciences East Tennessee Stote Teacher s' College, John son City, Tennessee, '31, '32; Hard ing '35, Summer '35, '36; Tennessee Club '35, '36; Honor Student '35; L. C. '35. " The swee test thing that ever grew Beside a human door." ERNESTINE COPELAND Searcy Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: Speech Texa s ~chnolog icol College '33, '34, '35; Harding, Spring '35, '36; L. C. '35; President L. C. '35; Dramatic Club '35, '36. "Ou t of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." FIRM H. CAGLE PIkeville, Tennessee Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: History David Lipscomb College '30, '31; Harding '35, '36; Business Manager Baseball '35; T~nnessee Club '35, '36; Studen t Teacher '36. "The world well tried- the sweetest thing in life The unclouded welcome of 0 wife,"