1935-1936 Yearbook

The L. C.'s in their new sweaters. Nancy, Ina, and Frances wishing at the well The Royal Fun Club Joe and Charles climb to second floor of the Ad. Building-on the ou tside . Brother Rhodes tokes a walk on Sunday afternoon. Gladys by the fish pond in summe r Helen, where's Raymond? Wallis says, "Bill, you take this side and I'll ta ke the other" . . Flemryc family excep t Yvoone Wonder what Professor Orrok sees that he doesn't approve? Our visitor fr om Mexico, "Roberto de La Rosa" El izabe th doesn't seem to be supe rst itious- if she stands under ladde rs, wonder what she th inks of black co ts? The Sub-T's go to Bee Rock Mr. and Mrs. Johnson on on outing Little John signing workers-Wallis, a re you leaving? The Dynami ters again, at Red Bluff .. Catherine and Dono, but where's Allene? .. Ta rza ns- Holley, Travis, Henderson and Batey . The Freshmen seem to be stud ious-ol l but Theda We see more of the Campus Players' Parade and Cronin The Jun ior W. H. c.'s like the snow The W . H. C.'s have a pause that refreshes after the parade Three isn't a crowd here Good posing, Don .. The Koinanios wear new sweaters know you Raymond, even when Bill has your feet worry, worry! . The L. ('s. g:J to Petit Jean . The Explosives on on ou ti ng We Fishing for trouble, Ce:::il? Worry, •