1935-1936 Yearbook

• Smile, Moj or, we know the ice w i ll hold you Come now, we'll hove no women making stump speeches campus Evelyn Wi l l iams likes icy wea ther Now throw them Three W. H. c. 's, wonde r, how come Be careful with t hose snowbal ls A blanket o f winter covered the Sam, teac h that Florida boy how to Have you ladies been wolking to keep warm? Florida girls enjoy the i r firs t real snow Our campus is beau t iful whether clod in green or in white Now, Aubert, woke up! You're on the ice-not mopping your room Give professor her mail, Crowson Girls, t h rowing snowba lls is no t ladylike . How shocking! . Theodore and ou r editor gua rd Ha rding's gateway J us t a group of f reshmen gi r ls ploying in the ice and snow. •