1935-1936 Yearbook

THE ALPHA HONOR SOCIETY JOSEPH PRYOR EUNICE McNEELIS DONA PURSLEY GERTRUDE HARDING PA INE FRANCES ELLIOTT ELOISE COLEMAN Joseph Pryor Gert rude Pa ine Eunice McNeelis _ MARY NEAL MARGARET BATEY President _Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer In recognition o f schola rship among juniors and seniors who orc working toward the baccalaureate degree, the Alpha Hono r Society WQS orga n ized th is year. Membership in thi s o rgani zation is limited to twe lve and one -holt per cent of the juni ors a nd seniors who hove a 2.7 or 2.5 overage and good morol cha rac te r . Eunice McNcelis, Dona Pursley. Ge rtr ude Hard ing Paine, and El oise Coleman were elected from the se ni or class to represent Hard ing in Who's Who Among Studen t s in Unive rsi ties and Colleges of Americo . •