1934-1935 Yearbook

Soup's on for the Sinkers Basketball Captain-elect Harding's buena vista, Bee Rock .. Martha , Virginia, and two other mules Aubrey is In a dangerous spot We are terribly tired Such di ssipation Whence did you get the family? T ennessee Hillwillies ... Bald pa te and chokebore breeches .. And thus we explode . Sugar Loa f Moun - tain- a memorable spot to the KOinanlOS and T. N . T.'s .. Another Queen addict Sl nk :ng but not sunk It 's a good lake- why no t I u m pin? Guess you fee l at home, NarCISsus! ... Don ' t worry, there 'l l not be a flood . .Only museums in Harding College. My kingdom for a bucking broncho We've go t 'em treed-call off the hounds . The thirs ty dog goes to water Helen, we like the background Don't blow up Sugar Loa f, T. N . T.'s .. Is this where J . D. ge ts hi s preaching-practi ce? . We jOin Beatrice in her admiration for Red River .. The brilliance of the Tennesseeans is reflec ted In the fiver .