1934-1935 Yearbook

ARTHUR GRAHAM Vancouver, B. c., Canoda Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: English David Lipscomb College '33; Harding '32, '34, '35; Vice-President Senior Class '35; Quartermaster Sub T -16 '35; Sub T -16 '34; Dramatic Club '35; Glee Club '35; Mixed Chorus '34, '35; Preachers' Club '34, '35. "He become on institution." JOHN G. REESE Searcy Candidate for B. A. Degree Mojor: History David lipscomb College '25, '26; Harding '32, '34, '35; Dramat ic Club '34, '35; President Boord of Directors '35; Business Manager '35. " He honors hi s profession." PEARL CONWAY Blackwater, Missouri Candidate for B. A. Degree Mojor: Home Economics Centrol Mi ssouri Stote Teochers' Coliege, Warrensburg, Missouri, '23, '32; Student Teacher '35. "Charocter is the diomond that scratches every other stone."