1934-1935 Yearbook

TO MY GIRLS EVERYWHERE: A worthy woman is, next to His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God's greatest gift to the world. In these restless days when the notions of earth have swung so for from God, the ideas and ideals of many women have kept pace with the times. Their slogan seems to be "What the men of our acquaintance do, we may do if we choose." Certainly, my dears, there is no respect of persons with God and I would not contend for a minute that a cigarette between the lips of a girl, on oath, a swallow of whiskey from a pocket flask, a mixed drink at some rood house, or moral laxity in general is worse in God's sight in the woman than in the man, but 1 contend most earnestly that if women do not call a holt, men must arise in their manhood for their own protection as well as for the protection of the race or the world is doomed. I thank God for you, my girls. You have not always done as I would have you do, neither have I always set you a worthy example, but there ore few of you who will not make the world a better place because you have lived . I am not given to platitudes, but I pray God to help you realize the power He gave you for good or evil when He mode you women . WOODSON HARDING ARMSTRONG Dean of Women