1934-1935 Yearbook

TO THE SENIORS OF 1935 In this message of a few words to you, I can say nothing that stirs the emotions of my heart more than an appeol to you to g ive to Harding College ond to the church, in the years to come, the best you have. The seniors of an institution are the finished product of that institution; you seniors tell the world whether Harding College deserves to live on and on. You may be able to give, as the yeors pass, s ilver and gold to your Alma Moter, with which those directing the institution may supply imperative needs for a greater Harding; ,but the best you can ever give to our "beloved Harding" is that within you that pulls on your heart strings for service. We call it LOYALTY. It is this that I crave most from you and that I am asking for in this last message . In a little while I shall drop out of the picture, forgotten forever , but Harding MUST live on, and I om looking to you and to other sen iors that shall trail you to see to it that your beloved Alma Mater goes triumphantly on, till our Lord comes back again. God bless you and keep you for his awn service. Amen I J. N. ARMSTRONG, President .