1934-1935 Yearbook

Leon Colli ns Beatrice Phi llips John D. Kirtley Paul ine Price L. J . Bollard _ Pauline Price John D. Kirtley Nino Johnstc n Leon Collins Bea tr ice Phillips Robe rt Schole s DAY STUDENTS' CLUB J . T . Gilliam Doro thy Webb ThomaS Whitfield Margaret To ler Cyri I Hendrix Thelma Co llins Bernadeon DeWitt Clyde James Presiden t Vice-Pres ident Sec reto ry Sponsor Sponsor D. L. Holbrook Orne B. Nuckolls Arc Lee Yingling Gertrude Nuckolls Owe to Sloggs L. J . Ballard Emme tt Darwin