1933-1934 Yearbook

PE-TIT JEAN A CADEMY BASKETBALL FRO~ 'I Row Whee ler . Bradl ey. C hildr"ss. Stro ud . R . Bell. W . Bell. BACK Row W ad ley (Coach ). Sca rs. Go rdy. Rec to r. O 'Kell ey ( Manage r ). \ V ith but two lett ermen back from 1<11O ( yca r the Aca demy team was con· ceded o nl y J small cha nce of w Inning ~1 n y o f its major ga mes. Contrary to prC - ~i.' a so n pred icti o ns. ho wever, the "Baby Biso ns" h,ld a spl end id seaso n. The play of Sea rs. g uard. was espec iall y no teworth y. p la y o f R. Bell and B. Bell. fo rwa rds. gave evi de nce o f the The se nsati ona l fa ct Iha t Hard ing w ill have two ste llar perfo rme rs in those pos iti o ns in the nca r f UllI n:. Mention sho ul d be ma de here. also, of the fact that Carl Child ress was se lec ted as All -County ce nter in the Jun ior divi sion. Childress is the first " Bi sonct" to be ho no red in that ca pac it y. 4