1933-1934 Yearbook

~E-TIT JEAN PRYOR Forw.Hd M IL' U Gu .ud GA STO~ . Guard BAK I ·R. Gu.ud A RKANSAS COL L EGE Led by C arpenti er . fo rmer All -Ameri can hi gh school fo rward . Arkansas snatched vi cto ry fro m the Bi sons in the last thirt y seco nds o f play in the second game bet wee n rhe t eams. The score stood 50 -49 at the w hi s tl e. It was a fan 's game, the lead chan gin g severa l times in the last few minut es o f pl ay. Trent di spla yed hi s usual brillian cy ho ld in g hi s man t o o nc po int. H e will bear watch - ing fo r the nex t three years! FORT S~ I ITJI J UNIOR COLLI ' GE J ourney ing to F o rt Smith the Bisons copped the second ga me o f their se ri ell with the Li o ns 51 -4 5. McReynolds led the scorin g with 19 po in ts. P . Berry - hill cnded hi s basketba ll ca ree r. being abse nt fo r the rema in de r o f the seaso n . Trent again was t he pillar of defense. COLLEGE Or- Til E O ZARKS Failure to stop PillS, O zark fo r ward, who scored 20 po int s, cos t the Biso n '> a victory in their las t game o f the season again st O zark s, The Biso ns rel in - quished the lead o nl y a few minu tes before the fin a l g un a nd trail ed 50- 4 3 a t the cl ose. The team pla yed brillianLl y but the accurate last -minut e shoo tin g of the Oza rks fo rwards was too much fo r them . LITTLE R OCK J UNIOR COLLFGE The seco nd Juni o r game was a goa l- fes t for the Biso ns. M cRey no lds scored 26 po int s fo r hi gh sco rer. All the Bisons saw se rvice before the game ~nd~d 55-20. The reg ular seaso n closed w ith thi s ga me- ho wever , the Biso ns ...ntertained an indepe ndent team the fo ll o wing week trimmin g them 53 - 37 , 4