1933-1934 Yearbook

Palmer, Billingsley. and Bell on Easter morning Vi rgini~ must have snapped this p ictun. . Who was the inspirat ion 01 the next? G. B.. the IJdi~s' man. as he is often seen King and Brashears ... P,J,( gatheTin~ "Bison" scanda l The Berryhill brothers " P inky and "Blackie" Burney, de you have a shoulder brace? DeHoff afteT his triumphal rt· turn from Batesville Wh~n did Mary, Alval}'n. and Op~1 visit the rock g.uden toge thH \Vaters Cdn explain the,W. and half of the next photo: for the other half. ask McChul' or Hoover Ross. aTe you ad ministering first aid to yOU! wrestling instructor~ Till three buddies. Charlie. Raymond and "Stick" Hats off to G for geaing Charles "up a Hit' . . The Woolseys cl imbiJl aboard for Pan Arthur ... He man. louch popularity must deserved . O. G. outing can't fool anyone books. . George and Rober caught about I: 15 . Ask MI Lowery and Miss Moody .:100 this next pair. Paullus and ,\iu well. . LlytOn. does En l have her stenographer's p.:ld \\1 her! Edwin looking f Mrs. Rowe's Morrilto n .:Idd! -he has forgotten where hi lives Ask Keck if h~ lil the next pictUT.' why the pillow ~ Is Click's suggestion ~ at 5:30 a. m. or p. m "Backward. turn back ward, Time in thy flight" -y ou ~ made Rheba and Ha rr ieu (h dren again just for t he night the W. H. C. party R standing on one side loo king !?!? on the at her. . The I and shan of this P.:Ige--CIH and J C.