1933-1934 Yearbook

J>E-TIT JEAN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION B FVI ' RL Y W ATERS lIonor Student J ERRY B URK lIonor S tudent T od ay is a da y o f spec iali zati o n- a time when a tho ro ugb and adequate bu si ness p repa ra ti o n is al toge ther ind ispensabl e to the young man o r woman who des ires to attain a n y deg ree o f success in thi s busy wo rld o f finan ce and eco no mics. O nl y to those w ho arc definit ely and spec iall y trained arc the wo rth - whil e pos iti o ns avail abl e. In accord ance w ith thi s conditi o n the d eparlment o f Business Admini strati o n o ff ers thoro ug h trainin g in eff ec tive and sound principl es o f bus iness management. w hi ch combin ed with an ho nes t sys tem o f ethi cs. enabl es the students to maint a in witho ut diffi cult y the pos itio ns they sec ure. Durin g the pas t years. the department has been so e x p~ind ed under the supervi sio n of competent instrucLa rs as LO affo rd additi o na l se rvices to it s sru<i enl s unsurpassed by those o f the nali o n 's bes t busin ess coll eges. The two stu den ts who have been sel ec ted fo r their scho lar ship in this d epa rtment are J err y Burk o f Chickasha. Oklaho ma . and Beverl y Waters of A lac hua . Fl o rida . Thi s is the second year Beverl y Wat ers has recc ivcd t he same ho no r . I 4